i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 8:36:02 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]THE CICATRICE:[break]DRAGON'S CLIMB





AS 's SHADOW CHARIZARD skewers the remaining TURTONATOR with SHADOW RAVE, the reckless, uncontrolled attack opens a fissure in the unstable black and red earth beneath the task force's feet. They spring away from the yawning maw threatening to swallow them and the rest of the attacking Pokémon. , , , , and barely escape the crumbling earth by fleeing up the mountain. [break][break]

THE REST ARE NOT SO LUCKY; any on the surface level who look down the gaping chasm see naught but darkness. Though the losses are great, if they want to save the multinationals and other VIPs aboard the cruise ship, they must continue making their way toward the Chalice at the volcano's peak.[break][break]

THE THREAT LEVEL CONTINUES TO INCREASE the further the task force climbs up the mountain. Not only does the temperature continue to rise, but the dragons soaring about the mountain increase in number as they get closer to the summit.


  • Discover that communication with the other half of the task force is impossible.
  • Encounter two human corpses slumped against a wall. Inspecting them will reveal evidence of severe, subcutaneous burns.
  • Encounter an anomalously large KOMMO-O guarding a hoard of rare gemstones and crystals. If provoked, it will TERASTALLIZE into a Dragon-type, then unleash a Terastal-powered CLANGING SCALES. Repel it, and you may be able to partake of its hoard.
  • Encounter black smoke venting from the top of a magmafall, making it difficult to see around a narrow pass.
  • As the party ascends to the hazy, volcanic crater, will be ambushed by a SALAMENCE that will attempt to carry them away.
  • may discover a human skeleton shrouded in a yellow, orange, and red robe adorned with a singular MOLTRES feather.
  • Utilize Entei or an Avatar power in an advantageous way.
  • 's separation from must be explored in some way.
  • 's past experiences in unfamiliar environments must in some way be critical to the team finding their way to the summit.


PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • You can only fulfill ONE PROMPT PER POST.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • While five posts per character would be preferred, at least THREE POSTS PER CHARACTER are required to receive full rewards.



OCTOBER 7, 11:59 PM CDT (9:59 PM PDT)[break][break]



[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2023 5:50:27 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
no and no meant that there's no one else willing to take the spotlight in their half.

he supposed that might take up the challenge, but kyle starts to worry about her doing such if she's one of the challengers talks about a lot. it was more worrisome if she happens to misinterpret whatever ideology that gym leader preaches.

"if any of you want to attempt a rescue, now's the time, i think," he tells everyone else, trying to create any semblance of order in the chaos that happened. "we can't waste too much time if we want to save the civvies too."

he looks down the hole, but finds nothing but darkness.

"i doubt they'll need help though. they got competent people down there."

kyle scratches the back of his head as the realization that it'll be up to them to actually do the job instead hits him. although they won't be fighting for their lives, but they'll be fighting for other's, not to mention they're the ones with a time limit.

he takes a quick survey of their half of the team. suicune appears in a puff of smoke next to , someone he recognizes despite not having met him before. raikou comes with , simply by virtue of elimination. was a ranger and would be safe on their own and , although a competent trainer by others' account, felt like someone who would rush in if kyle gave them the power to.

"feel free to use them however you want," he tells the two, waiting for everyone to settle in from the split. "you guys have them for the rest of the mission."

Utilize Entei or an Avatar power in an advantageous way.

  • reminds everyone they have a job to do
  • and that those people will probably be fine
  • summons sacred ash!suicune for el and sacred ash!raikou for yuina

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,840 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2023 21:48:28 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar



In a split moment, all chaos broke lose as a powerful, dark attack shook the very ground they all stood on after striking down some of the offending fire and dragon type Pokemon on the rocky outcroppings above them. There was little any one of them could have done to prepare, for as rocks began to crumble and it seemed they had even upset the very tension of the volcano itself, the ground burst open in a fury of ash and smoke. All of the explosions from the Shell Traps that went off caught Ruma in her rampage, and the Camerupt bellowed at taking a heavy hit. Yuina barely caught this, the sounds of crumbling rock and chaos nearly too great, but as the ground began to crumble and shatter beneath them she rushed towards her Pokemon in the final moments before it would have been too late.[break][break]
Just as quick as everything had broken apart, everything fell still as ash, dirt, and dust rained down around them, and Ruma huffed and groaned in pain from having taken the full brunt of two explosions. Yuina could do little else in that moment but return her, and hope for the best... It's not like she had a ton of resources or could leave to get her taken care of... Not when things just turned as dire as they did...[break]
Having met before, in one of the missions to the depths of that foul beast, at least Yuina recognize one person. She glanced around and noticed... That their numbers had greatly fallen, it seemed that some of their ranks weren't as lucky to miss the gaping maw of the mountain, and it swallowed them up. They had no choice though, not if they actually wanted to help their fellow teammates, they had to press on in spite of what it felt like to potentially be leaving them behind.[break][break]
The air was still stifling, the heat so intense, Yuina was sure that she needed to do everything she could to save her energy for when it really mattered, and frankly, she didn't have much to say at the moment... All of this was way more than she should have thrown herself into... Shalin had even said it outright, that she needed to be careful, but that nagging, gnawing feeling in the back of Yuina's head that she needed to do these things, like she had something to make up for, she couldn't fight it...[break]
In that contemplative moment though, Yuina was a bit surprised when in a puff of ash and smoke a very large, and very strikingly yellow tiger of a Pokemon appeared beside her, at the bidding of Kyle it seemed? She couldn't know just how exactly it came about that the Pokemon stood beside her, but he was offering the aid for the remainder of their mission here, just as a large blue Pokemon moved towards another one of their group.[break]
"Thank you," Yuina offered in that moment, and she knew that it was time that they really start to figure things out so they could move forward. She looked around, her eyes burning from the heat and ash, and from the sudden and drastic shift in the mountain side it seemed that their options for a path upwards had become rather limited... She could swear she could see a path that might lead further upwards? But it was marred by plumes of black smoke that drifted down from a stream of magma that flowed into the new gaping crevice.[break][break]
Releasing Crowley the Feraligatr, Yuina figured they would do what they could to clear up that pathway as she moved closer with Crowley. The water type huffed, very clearly displeased by the heat of the area and how deterimental it was, coughing through his teeth at the smoke, but that only made him want to fix it more. With his might, the Feraligatr summoned a Waterfall to combat the magmafall that shrouded the area in smoke, and as steam hissed and rushed into the air at the contact between lava and water, Yuina hoped that the cooling would stop the magma flow.

No Sygna Suit[break]
Ruma the Camerupt is wounded and returned[break]
Yuina keeps close to 's summoned Sacred Ash!Raikou[break]
Prompt Complete: Encounter Black Smoke venting from the top of a magmafall, making it difficult to see around a narrow pass[break]
Crowley the Feraligatr is active[break]
Crowley the Feraligatr uses Waterfall to try and dispell the magma that is causing all of the smoke[break]
Crowley's Sheer Force ability boosts the power of Waterfall[break]


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2023 1:15:14 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The ground heaved - and it was only with quick intervention on Akero's part, that El is able to avoid the crumbling earth. The angelic pokemon dove low to scoop them up onto her back, swirling petal-laden winds helping to steady them in her saddle, as she whistled.

Their brother, however, was not so lucky. As calls to El, they try to reach out for him - "I-Isaac! I've got you--!"... But to no avail; Isaac falling just out of reach of their outstretched hand, as the gaping maw seems to swallow half the squad whole. "ISAAC!"

Worry drives El - their initial instinct being to fly down the hole after them, to make sure their brother is okay. But, one of their pokeballs opens on its own - revealing their Alakazam, Bibidi. She hovers before them - a hand held up to stop them - her mental presence washing over El's mind with reassurance and knowledge...

... She could still sense him. Though he was too far for her to reach his mind, the others were alive, at the very least.

A rollercoaster of emotions, to say the least - that Isaac was okay, but there was no way to actually reach him, unless they dove down after him. But... He said it himself, right? He'd catch up. They just had to trust in him. And 's words would help to put them at some semblance of ease.

Even if their heart twisted a little, at having been separated from their brother once more.

So for the time being, as El landed Akero with the others, they'd glance around. "Is- Is anyone hurt?" They called, to human and pokemon both. "Akero knows healing moves, if - uhm - anyone needs it." With Life Dew and Wish alike, they'd be happy to tend to the injured before they moved on.

And once everyone who was hurt was tended to, El would recall Akero for the time being.

But, much to El's surprise, they had a new companion - an azure beast, unmistakably Suicune, formed by Kyle's sacred ash. They couldn't help but pause for a few long moments in awe - "Beautiful..." - a hand slowly rising up to stroke its muzzle... Yet, the beast barely reacted to the touch. And much to Bibidi's unease, it bore no mind - no soul with which to feel. It was simply a construct in the shape of the late legendary...

... El felt mixed, at this knowledge. They cast a glance to Kyle, then back to the Suicune - unsure of how to feel - before soon deciding to settle atop the beast's back. All things considered though, the Ash-Suicune made for a steady steed - El would carefully knot their fingers into its mane, and it listened to even the slightest tug, the slightest nudge of their heels, as if it were but an extension of themself.

And thus, the group moved onwards - making a way forward with the aid of her Feraligatr. Ash-Suicune leapt up the cleared path with ease, allowing for El to scout ahead a little...
- El is deeply worried for - but Bibidi the Alakazam comes out and reassures them that he'll be okay. (Personal Prompt)
- Offers for Akero the Togekiss to heal everyone's injuries with Life Dew/Wish
- El is awed at 's Ash-Suicune; but is a bit unsettled and saddened when they + Bibidi realize that it's a construct, rather than a living breathing pokemon.
- Still rides on Ash-Suicune, heads up the pathway that cleared.
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January 3
131 height
131 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
299 posts
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2023 2:14:35 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
The ground quaked around the group, causing Vanilla to scurry away alongside most of the group to safety. Her feet hit the ground as fast as they could as the ground gave away beneath her. By some stroke of luck, the Galarian had leaped towards safety just in the nick of time. The other people in her party, roughly half the group, hadn't fared too much better about this. Vanilla turned around to see a giant hole where everyone else had been through. A few coughs escaped through her covered mouth, doing her best to limit how much smoke was being let in. The rising temperatures close to the peak wasn't helping matters any, and right now was already being overwhelmingly hot. "Navy!" The girl yelled down to the other half of the two that had scolded her at the beginning of the trip. It looked deep, but she knew that everyone down there could fend for themselves. They were an elite squad of people from Hoenn, after all.

Well, and herself.

seemed to take this development the hardest, having cried out for their brother. The two had interacted briefly as Vanilla carefully walked over to try and offer a sympathetic smile. They cared deeply for Isaac, although she didn't know exactly why. They could be family or just extremely close. "He's gonna be alright. Trust me, like half the people down there wouldn't let a fall take care of them." Even shared the sentiment to try and ease El's mind. But in a more confusing display, the boy would summon two familiar Legendary Pokemon out of nothing. The act had left Vanilla speechless, having not witnessed such an act before. The Raiku and Suicine would each be only barely corporeal, made out of some kind of dust or something. They were mirrors of what once were likely proud legends of the Hoenn Pokdex. She pulled out a Pokedex and tried to scan each in some vain attempt at obtaining their data, but even the camera would fail to register their shape. "How did you even do that?" she asked, then looked at Kyle for a moment. She waited, as if he had forgotten about the third and final canine brother that the two dusty versions had. Once it became clear that it wasn't coming or El or her, she'd huff and turn her attention back on the people in the hole until they were leaving.

"W-Wait, we're just going to leave them down there?" Vanilla asked, motioning to the hole. Even if any were to reply back or scold her again, she knew that time was of the essence. That expression of conflicting about the decision was as clear as day on her face. After the reminder, the teenager cursed to herself and followed behind, but not without huffing in belligerence.

They continued on while she did her best to keep up. Sweat drenched her forehead on the walk over, wiping it with the back of her head to try and cool down somewhat. While not as well equipped to handle something you might need an ash version of a legendary for, Vanilla could at least offer her assistance where it was due. She walked alongside the group and paid attention to their surroundings. Everything still seemed to be growing tired of their existence here, and there was no guarantee about whether or not those weird Pokémon from before were going to reappear. During this little trek, she noticed that had been staring at the black plumes above. She looked along with her while she summoned a Feraligator and would proceed to try and cull the magma flow that created this little airspace. It took a Waterfall to stop the flow of magma as they could finally make their way around to pass through the narrow passageway.

Vanilla walked along as her Iron Thorns trudged alongside her. The atmosphere was as hot as it was tense, with everyone on edge for what could attack them next. They came across a vantage point as Vanilla ventured close to the edge. It was seas of magma for as far as the eye could see. But she did spot a small group of Pokémon on the other side of the mountain before them. Were they being followed or watched? The road before them was winding around and hard to follow, especially as it came to a towering wall of earth with the path leading to the side. They could continue down the path as normal, although Vanilla had other ideas.

"Electrolyte, gimme a boost." she said to her Iron Thorns, the Paradox Pokémon slowly leaning against the Rocky wall and helping her to grab a hold of some small rocky outcroppings. The stone was hot to the touch and felt painful the longer she stayed put. It reminded her a lot of that time she accidentally held a hot pan without checking to see if the oven was on. But as long as she moved quickly, it could be a pretty ascent. Her grip slipped, almost causing her to hurdle back down towards the ground, but she recovered. Once she had reached the top, Vanilla would look out at the vista she had climbed on top of. Some faint silhouettes were visible in the sky, and she carefully went to the edge to gaze out at the surrounding places. One of which caught her eye.

"Hey guys!" Vanilla called down to the party, a decent amount of distance upwards of where they were. A hand pointed westward, towards an outcropping of rocks. "I can see a bunch of Pokemon going over the ridge to the left! There might be a shortcut to the peak there!" Of course, this proceeded to cause her throat to inhale a bunch of heavy, scalding hot air alongside some smoke. She’d look for a way back down so as to not give her location away to their predators.

↳ Vanilla has no Sygna Suit equipped.
↳ Vanilla's Iron Thorn is currently active.
↳ Begrudgingly leaves the hole party be
↳ Walks alongside the party on their way down the path Yuina made
↳ Uses her Iron Thorns to scale a rocky wall and found a shortcut to the summit past a ledge
PROMPT: Vanilla Kingsley’s past experiences in unfamiliar environments must in some way be critical to the team finding their way to the summit.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2023 3:06:33 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
when he calls for people to stop for a minute to get their bearings back after being split, kyle had used it to attempt communications. A click of the tongue with the failure is abruptly stopped with the young trainer's inquiry.

"comes with being an avatar," he casually answers with an awkward but assuring smile. "useful. convenient. makes the job easier."

kyle honestly only has them out to speed things up, otherwise he doesn't like growing reliant on these abilities.

"we can get back to them as soon as we finish the job." as cold as that solution was, they signed up for priorities that needed to be met. "they'll probably find a way out and we can meet them halfway as soon as we secure the cruise ship people's safety."

he brings up the rear while the others take the lead, subsequently clearing obstacles for the group.

's gambit brings them a path to a shortcut at the cost of respiratory problems. he'll leave it to to check up to her if his read of their character is right.

"are those pokemon are hostile?" he asks , who was more or less on the lead. "we have no choice but to go through them if they can't be intimidated away."

they have people aided by his beasts, as well as an active challenger of the gym circuit. he's certain they can go through it in no time, but it would be convenient to go through it without a fight.

Discover that communication with the other half of the task force is impossible.

  • answers vanilla
  • asks yuina if vanilla's shortcut is safe
  • ready to fight if not

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no preference
july 27
heahea city
: ^)
Don't waste your eyes on jealous guys, fuck that noise
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TAG WITH @emmett
emmett brookes
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2023 9:34:48 GMT
emmett brookes Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




The giant gash in the earth really leaves them nowhere else to go but up. Not even the thought of attempting a rescue crosses his mind at this point of time, the champion's words carrying the weight of truth - They're capable. If they weren't they wouldn't have joined this mission to begin with. What matters are those civilians trapped and left with nowhere else to go.[break][break]

There's no way to send a scout ahead through all this smog, meaning they have to deal with things as they come. And so he sticks close to the young ones of the batch, swapping out his Sylveon for his Gorebyss as an Aqua Ring seeks to soak as much heat away from the group as possible.[break][break]

"They're swarming."[break][break]

Up ahead, the pokemon seem to be gathering around something that he can't quite make it out. The lack of screams and the like tell him that whatever it might be, it definitely isn't survivors.

[attr="class","ooc"] notes ♣ no fancy sygna suits[break]
♣ following the group, trying to keep heat away with aqua ring[break]
♣ spies the pokemon circling around something




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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,840 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2023 18:22:05 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Fortunate that Crowley was able to quell the magmafall in order to clear a path of smoke and ash for them, Yuina did well to keep things moving as she had somehow ended up towards the head of the group. The Feraligatr stalked along the rocky walkway, spraying a bit of water over his scales to keep himself hydrated, and Yuina had sense turned to mount the yellow tiger that Kyle had summoned. She had no ability to understand just what this summoned form meant or even what it was, right now it seemed that it was a utility that could aid in their treacherous quest. Sitting across its back could at least save some of her energy, though it wouldn't be much longer she felt like before pure heat exhaustion was going to set in.[break][break]
One of their group moved ahead towards an upper outcropping, calling out that there was a group of Pokemon in the distance, and Yuina turned to the direction that indicated. wondered how many hostile Pokemon they could be potentially dealing with, though they didn't have much choice to avoid them if it came right down to it, and was concerned about the swarming nature of the Pokemon.[break][break]
"Let's see what's going on...," Yuina returned, taking out another Pokeball, and from it she released Nyla the Sneasler. She knew the poison type's speed would go unmatched, and she would be able to get in and get out to avoid anything serious. Using Agility to get her speed and momentum up, Nyla rushed towards the handful of Pokemon and hissed loudly at them, glaring them down with a toxic Leer and a flash of her claws. A couple of the Pokemon scattered at being startled, while others began to huff and charge at being encroached upon, but Nyla made quick work of rushing away swiftly, getting another couple of Pokemon out of the way as she disappeared into the rocks.[break][break]
"Let's try to hurry, before they gather back," Yuina urged, motioning for the yellow Pokemon she'd mounted to move on as Crowley kept at the head for security, but as she approached the center of attention for these Pokemon, she gasped... She knew that this was dangerous, and she knew that these conditions were truly inhuman if someone were to be stuck here... But...[break][break]
"Oh no... This...," Yuina held back a choke, both from the heat and from the sheer shock of seeing... Dead bodies? Like... real dead bodies, slumped up against a large rocky wall... They were unrecognizable, the heat had already taken a heavy toll on the decomposition...[break][break]
"Uh... I... We weren't the only ones here.... What-what do we do," she struggled, swallowing a gag, it wasn't easy... Seeing a dead body for the first time, and certainly not when they were so... Grotesquely burned...

No Sygna Suit[break]
Yuina keeps close to 's summoned Sacred Ash!Raikou[break]
Prompt Complete: Discover two human corpses slumped against a wall[break]
Crowley the Feraligatr is active as backup[break]
Nyla the Sneasler is active[break]
Nyla uses Leer and Agility to distract and break up the group of Pokemon.[break]


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2023 4:15:15 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
's reassurance gets a soft smile from El, even as they looked about ready to melt into Akero's saddle from stress. "Yeah-- You're right. Isaac's pretty great - and he's able to take care of himself..." They murmured, nodding a little. "I just... Can't help but worry, still. This - uhm - isn't the nicest place, as cool as it'd otherwise be..." Maybe if the pokemon here were less hostile, it'd be a place that they'd explore and study on their own time.

But for the time being, a way forward is charted; and atop Ash!Suicune, El is able to easily take up the front alongside the others their Alakazam - Bibidi - following close behind.

However, after dispersing a group of wild pokemon, they are met with a chilling sight. That of a pair of dead bodies - heavily charred, and what wasn't burnt away is practically mummified by the heat beyond any recognition. El echoes 's feelings on the matter, freezing up atop the ashen beast's back as their breath catches in their chest. Alarm fills them - and in its wake, fight or flight has them wanting to leave, yet... "... I... I d-don't think we should leave em, but..."

... But they had to keep moving, right? And on top of that, there was the question of the youngest in the group as well.

Bibidi, following El's thoughts, glances back to Vanilla. And quietly, the Alakazam would place a hand over her eyes to prevent her from seeing the corpses. Paired with this, a quiet telepathic request for Vanilla's trust - trust that would hopefully be easily given, since they weren't total strangers.

In any case, they couldn't linger for too long. Sooner or later, those wild pokemon would return - and it was hard to say whether Nyla's trick would work a second time. If the group did agree to move on though, and if Vanilla trusted in her, Bibidi would readily guide the young trainer forward.
- El appreciates Vanilla's reassurance, though expresses they're still a little worried.
- Readily takes a front position as the group moves, riding on Ash-Suicune and followed by Bibidi the Alakazam
- When the corpses are found, El is very spooked - but is uncertain about just leaving the bodies there, even if they have to keep moving. El is also concerned about Vanilla seeing the corpses.
- Bibidi covers Vanilla's eyes to protect her innocence, and telepathically requests her trust on this.
- If the group moves on + Vanilla goes along w Bibidi covering her eyes, Bibidi will help guide Vanilla.
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January 3
131 height
131 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2023 2:50:11 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
With her little scouting report made, Vanilla focused back on rejoining with the group. There was a small hill that led back onto the path that everybody was using a little ways north of their location. The youngest of the group hurried over to this little crack and slid back down to join her companions on this heated expedition towards the summit of the volcano. Yuina had gone off in search of finding out what the pack of Pokemon was circling around for, with her ashy legendary taking her up there alongside her Sneasler. Vanilla was one of the crew that were on their way to catch up to her and hope for a good report out there. She looked back at Kyle, though with an obvious question. "So what's an avatar? Is it just speaking for them or something? Or are you actually one of them in disguise?" It could happen! If a giant floating hand could tear apart a mirror version of their world, Kyle Lopez could be a Pokemon in disguise, at least in Vanilla's mind.

As she got up towards Ruina with the group, Vanilla was thankfully unaware of the bodies on the wall as she was near the end of the group. Since El had seen it before hand as well as their Alakazam, they had a lead on top of her. Bibidi moved behind her and covered her eyes while Vanilla was confused at the sudden lack of sight. "H-Hey! What gives?!" she complained before the telepathic request from Bibidi that she understood. Even with the small amount of experience that she had with El's partner, Vanilla could tell that it was something serious that the Pokemon wanted her to trust them to cover her eyes. "I trust you." she said while allowing the Alakazam to restrict her sight. The Iron Thorns behind them wasn't too far behind as it moved alongside its owner. Though as the group hesitated, it let out a defensive, guttural noise as it could sense that the Pokemon the Sneasler had driven away were slowly regathering.

"We should probably get out of here and keep moving. Electrolyte's sensing something up ahead."

↳ Vanilla slides back down to rejoin the group
↳ She's the last in the group to arrive at the corpses but her vision is blocked from both by Bibidi, saving her the grief
↳ Iron Thorns senses that the Pokemon from before are keen to return soon
↳ Vanilla warns the party about this

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2023 15:29:38 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"it depends on your patron," he answers . "mine just loves me so they spoil me a lot with no strings attached."

as the rest of the group get startled by 's discovery, kyle notices the third one specifically dressed differently than the other two. hardened by a profession in crime scene investigation, he doesn't mind looking for identification as the others worry about .

a moltres feather answers some questions kyle has, remembering how the previous moltres avatar, as well as the person who appeared during that one dating sim game, were all connected to it. he wonders if this has any connection with the problems they're currently experiencing right now.

"do you guys know the farhan guy? maybe they're with them." the guessing stops as he notices that it got lost with other's dread of seeing a corpse. it was then that kyle is reminded once again that he is an outlier for getting used to them.

he takes the feather, bringing it with him to the top in case that was the goal of these people.

"vanilla's right. let's head to the top," he answers as he drags the third corpse with the two, and then draping the robe over their faces. "if you guys have repel, or anything that can keep wild pokemon from going near them, then we can come back for them later."

he hopes this eases the mind of , who seemed uneasy over the idea of leaving them behind. had kyle been religious, he would have offered a prayer or two as well.

instead, he has his dachsbun make a wish for him. may the party never befall the same tragedy as what these cult members experienced.

kyle lopez may discover a human skeleton shrouded in a yellow, orange, and red robe adorned with a singular MOLTRES feather.

  • frisks the fancier third corpse and finds a moltres feather
  • takes the moltres feather with them on their journey to the top
  • asks others if they have means to keep wild pokemon away from the corpses
  • dachsbun uses wish before they move on

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,840 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 16:07:02 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Glancing at , Yuina couldn't really form the words around her thoughts given the gravity of the situation... It was one thing to know that the threat of death was there, clearly standing on the side of an active and flowing volcano was a death wish in and of itself and was dangerous, but to know that this place had already claimed lives and that at any moment that could be any one of them...[break]
"I... It feels wrong... But maybe we can come back for their... Remains, when it's safe," Yuina returned, she agreed, she didn't want to leave the bodies here, and saying the word... remains, solidifying that they were in fact gone, it just felt too real. But, they couldn't do anything right now, not with the threat of the volcano at large, so maybe they could lay the remains to rest when it was safe...[break]
The collective did their best to spare @vanilla, so instead the girl moved on to try and keep scouting ahead, and Yuina turned on the back of the yellow mount she'd been offered as spoke. She watched him with the skeleton he'd uncovered, and noticed the peculiar feather he held. His question fell on deaf ears, she didn't know what he was speaking to, but first it was time that they move on, there was no sense in getting caught up by the group of scavenging wild Pokemon again while they could avoid it.[break][break]
"You're right, the sooner we get to the top, the sooner we can finish things...," she agreed and started to move with the group again. She'd returned Nyla for now, the Sneasler did her job of clearing out some of the wild Pokemon, but Crowley remained at the head to keep things moving with Yuina. She turned to though, coughing a big again at the heat, it was really starting to get unbearable, but they had to be getting close to their goal soon...[break]
"What is that feather? Is there another organization here," she wondered, she didn't know what Farhan meant, she had no frame of reference, but the skeleton he found had some sort of uniform? Or symbol of some kind? If there was another set of people here, they should know if they were good or bad...[break][break]
Moving up the path, trying to push forward, the group was making good progress, but there was a deep rumble, and the ringing sound of what sounded like cymbals clanging together? Up the path, stalking beside a glittering pile of some sort of crystal it seemed with a very large and very imposing Pokemon covered in metallic plates that clanged together with each movement it made. Yuina stopped, and motioned for the yellow Pokemon to stop, she wasn't sure what the Pokemon was but it sure looked dangerous, and she didn't know how hostile it was... Crowley leered, and snarled along his toothy maw, a Swords Dance rushing through him to get his energy up, just in case.

No Sygna Suit[break]
Yuina is riding 's summoned Sacred Ash!Raikou[break]
Prompt Start: Encounter a Large Kommo-o that seems to be hoarding some sort of crystal[break]
Crowley the Feraligatr is active[break]
Nyla the Sneasler has been returned[break]
Crowley doesn't attack yet, but does use Swords Dance to be ready[break]


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no preference
july 27
heahea city
: ^)
Don't waste your eyes on jealous guys, fuck that noise
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TAG WITH @emmett
emmett brookes
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 2:35:28 GMT
emmett brookes Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




Is it a bad thing that he'd brought it up? No, it's probably better that they realised it from up here and had ample time to process things before shit went down. Thankfully, the child of the group isn't given a chance to peek at what's going on and her suggestion being supported by the champion really does help to put the group back on track.[break][break]

"Farhan... from that weird dating sim route? He's real?? Whack." Somehow, speaking those words as he looks back to the sight of handling a body really helps him to keep a focus. "Wouldn't that mean we're talking about a potential Moltres or weird fish being involved?"[break][break]

No way. When he actually puts the ideas into words, it sounds like a wild reality with a slim, but not zero, chance of happening. But perhaps, he should divert his energy from theorising into actually dealing with the threat in front of them.[break][break]

"Are those tera crystals in that pile?" Squinting hard at the hoard the Kommo-o guards, he swaps Kailani for Na'au and tries to suppress the urge to take in a deep breath of searing hot air. And with a small squeak, she'll hide behind his legs, anxiously creating a Light Screen as if it would fully separate the group from the looming dragon.

[attr="class","ooc"] notes ♣ no fancy sygna suits[break]
♣ Recognises the name Farhan, questioning whether that means Chi-yu or Moltres would be involved[break]
♣ Spots what looks like tera crystals in that crystal hoard[break]
♣ Sylveon with Light Screen set-up




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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 13:09:45 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Farhan? El considered it a second, but shook their head. "I don't... Think they'd come out this way." They responded - glancing roughly in the direction of Hoenn. "He's part of the Kindlers, right? They're kinda like... A clan of specialized Rangers? But they focus on fire-types, and maintaining around Mt. Chimney; I don't know what they'd be doing out here..." They heard of the Kindlers sometimes, given their proximity to Mt. Chimney in Lavaridge. And for a time, they had been curious about what it'd like to be a Kindler themself...

... But nowadays, they think they're happier an ordinary Ranger. They got to see more of Hoenn, that way, and they got to raise a wider variety of pokemon.

As far as the question of repel went though, El was happy to provide. Taking out a can and shaking it up, they'd spray the bodies down in Repel - in hopes that the scavenging wild pokemon would leave them alone for long enough to be retrieved.

And with that, the group was ready to proceed - and as the corpses fell out of sight, Bibidi would uncover 's eyes.

But as they ascended further up, the next potential obstacle came in the form of a Kommo-o lording over a bejeweled hoard - one that possibly included tera crystals. El noted the others preparing for a fight - but they would be the one to speak up and suggest an alternative. "Maybe we should, uhm... Leave it be?" They spoke, glancing to the large dragon. "It's not like we _need_ to fight it... And we don't need those crystals, right...?"

Though the Kommo-o had taken notice of the group. And though not immediately hostile, it would still put up a territorial display; rattling its scales together in a Dragon Dance in preparation, and letting out a low _growl_ in their direction. Clearly, it was not about to let the group anywhere near the crystals without a fight.
- El mentions that the Kindlers - Farhan's group - probably wouldn't come so far out from Mt. Chimney.
- Sprays the bodies down in Repel in hopes that they're intact when the time comes to retrieve them.
- As the group moves on and leaves the bodies behind, Bibidi uncovers 's eyes.
- El suggests leaving the Kommo-o alone; the Kommo-o notices the group (but isn't immediately hostile,) and Dragon Dances in a territorial display.
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January 3
131 height
131 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
299 posts
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 1:18:25 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
Vanilla was a bit left in the dark as to why she wasn't allowed to use her eyes to see for what was ahead. It couldn't be as bad as people were making it seem, right? She had been to countless, dangerous situations before, so why wasn't she looking at whatever was being shown? Her quietness during the group asking questions on what to do with whatever it was that everyone was so interested in. Her ears did pick up that last part. Their remains. Her expression faltered as her head put two and two together, swallowing her fears down as the conversation reached its end. El went to spray the "remains" in repellent as she continued looking ahead, her expression pained. "They're...dead, aren't they?" she asked almost hypothetically. Despite this, her complaints about not being able to see had vanished entirely. If they were severe enough to limit her sight, there was no wonder why her sight was hidden.

They began to walk again as whatever was left behind would come to rest there. Bibidi continued to cover her eyes with her until some time later, she was free to look around again. Breathing a sigh of relief, Vanilla pursed her lips together in worry about what else would be present on their way up towards the mountain peak. The climb was getting pretty long, and she was starting to cough more often. The hot air made her nostrils sore, and the smoke coming from the pools of magma or what was waiting for them at the top was already working on trying her patience. The girl cursed herself for coming without some kind of Sygna suit. Her coughing continued on until they reached a treasure trove, guarded by a lone Pokemon.

A lone Kommo-o sat in front of the crystal horde as it noticed the group’s approach. Vanilla’s eyes lit up with joy at the typing, having never seen one before. "What’s that?" she asked the others, watching the dragon type clang its scales together in a noise filled display of intimidation. The others were watching it without doing anything as she grinned widely, her nose and mouth still covered by her jacket. "What’re you guys standing around for? It’s just one Pokemon. This’ll be an easy catch."

↳ Vanilla slowly begins to realize why she’s not able to see
↳ Bibidi uncups her eyes once the bodies are out of sight
↳ Begins to develop coughing fits from the smoke and pollutant inhalation
↳ Looks at the Kommo-o and is unaware of the danger, ready to attack and catch this thing
↳ (Will not actually catch the Kommo-o)

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing